Why You Should Not Hire An ICO Marketing Agency?

Shyam Singh
5 min readSep 9, 2024


As ICOs have transformed the way crypto projects raise funds in the digital realm, cryptopreneurs are more and more interested in investing in ICOs than ever. With so many advantages in launching a successful ICO, the question often arises as to whether you should hire an ICO marketing agency or not. Is it really necessary to hire a marketing firm? Or can you do it yourself? This article explains why you should not hire an ICO marketing agency to excel in the market. We will also tell you that what things you can consider to measure a reputable ICO marketing agency based on their services.

What Is ICO Marketing?

ICO marketing is about spreading the word about your new crypto project among potential investors and generating awareness. Marketers practice many activities when it comes to promoting the ICOs the right way. Branding, content creation, social media marketing, and SEO are some common things that are done to make a marketing campaign successful. A well-crafted ICO marketing strategy is the backbone of a successful campaign, outlining how you will engage with your audience and showcase your project’s value. Join us as we explore various aspects of ICO marketing, unraveling the challenges and opportunities that await in this dynamic space.

Why You Need ICO Marketing?

There are ample reasons that compel us to invest our time and resources in ICO marketing effectively. It can build awareness around your crypto venture and garner credibility in the crypto community. Marketing is done to raise interest in the investors, which ends up boosting supporting funds for the project. Moreover, robust ICO marketing strategies can help your project excel from the competitors out there and set a mark in the industry.

Branding is one of the core objectives of ICO marketing and it is the ultimate purpose of the campaign. Developing a solid and recognizable brand identity is essential for driving investors into the project. This includes making a logo, filling it with the right colour palette, and maintaining a unique and consistent style of appearance. All these components should describe your project’s values and vision. A unique brand identity helps both create a positive image and make your project recognizable even among other competitors.

5 Solid Reasons You Should Not Hire An ICO Marketing Agency

When thinking about outsourcing the best ICO marketing strategies, it’s equally important to consider a few things and the inherent risks associated with completely relying on a third-party agency. From concerns about transparency to the potential for falling victim to scams within the industry, the decision to hire an ICO marketing company requires careful consideration and evaluation.

1. They Do Not Understand Your Project Clearly

One of the primary reasons for not hiring an ICO marketing agency is the lack of personalized perception and understanding of your project’s unique selling points. However, this situation arises when you hire any random ICO marketing agency without checking their industry experience and various other factors. It is best to search for the best ICO marketing firm and know how it aligns with the project from its idea. By doing this you can make your marketing effective.

2. Cost Burden on Your Project

Another critical factor that many miss and end up deciding to stop their project operations is the financial issues. Many agencies offer services at premium rates, potentially draining your project’s budget without guaranteeing satisfactory results. This extra cost burden on your marketing campaign can hamper your other operations.

3. Communication Challenges

Maintaining control over your marketing campaign can be challenging when working with an agency that does not offer customized ICO marketing services. You may require some changes or may want to implement ideas from others, a reputable ICO marketing firm should always be ready to discuss new ideas that can enhance the marketing campaign. Communication barriers and a lack of transparency may cease your ability to steer the direction of your ICO marketing practice effectively. By addressing such points actively and not relying on any third-party agency, you can mitigate risks and ensure the success of your campaign.

4. Alternative Strategies for Marketing Your ICO Successfully

Rather than completely relying on outsourcing ICO marketing services from agencies, you can also explore alternative strategies for achieving ICO marketing success. By implementing DIY marketing strategies and leveraging available resources you have, you can drive the success of your ICO marketing campaign on your terms. You can even do better than the competitors as you will save your money and put it in streamlining other operations of your crypto project.

5. Case Studies and Success Stories

If you research you will find many crypto companies like you that have decided not to hire an ICO marketing company. They develop their own strategies and implement as per their goals. You can learn from them. By studying these case studies and drawing inspiration from their approaches, you can get valuable insights for implementing successful ICO marketing campaigns independently. However, it is always a good idea to get the best ICO marketing strategies implemented after learning from various crypto projects and their portfolios. Their success stories can inspire you and give you adequate reasons why you should not hire an ICO marketing agency.

Why Choose Only SAG IPL for ICO Marketing Services?

Among the many top-tier ICO marketing agencies available, there is always one that stands out for its unparelleled expertise. SAG IPL is such a name in the ICO marketing industry. Here is how SAG IPL can help your ICO launch successful:

The crucial element to seek in a company is its rich history of experience and knowledge in ICO marketing. SAG IPL has expertise and experience and through this, they have garnered positive feedback from its previous clients. Their professionals are ready to give your ICO marketing campaign an extra boost. A firm well-versed in the legal intricacies of ICOs across various jurisdictions is important as crypto laws are not universally the same. You want your ICO to reach globally, but for that, you should have familiarity with international legal frameworks. If you do not adhere to the laws, your ICO may face legal complications. SAG IPL can help you avoid such legal pitfalls.


The decision to hire an agency should never be on a few factors. As discussed in this blog, the pitfalls of selecting a random ICO marketing agency can be detrimental to your project’s success. Once you have studied these factors, you will probably have the answer to the question of why you should not hire an ICO marketing agency. At the same time, you should be clear about the fact, that the right ICO marketing agency can be the linchpin to a successful project launch. Their expertise, network, and strategic guidance can take your venture to new heights.

Are you ready to take your ICO campaign to the next level? Ponder upon the idea of the benefits of strategic agency selection and unlock the full potential of your project. Reach out to SAG IPL, a reputable ICO marketing agency today and kickstart your journey towards a successful ICO launch.



Shyam Singh

I am Shyam Singh, a content writer and marketer with over 5 years of experience in blockchain marketing, including crypto ICOs, IGOs, STO IDO and WEB3 projects.